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kate bush artinya

contoh kalimat "kate bush"
  • kate bush
  • bush:    belukar; semak; padang belantara; semak-semak;
  • bush:    belukar; semak; padang belantara; semak-semak; rimba; jembut; semak belukar; perdu; george bush; george h.w. bush; george herbert walker bush; bush; president george w. bush; vannevar bush; dubya; d
  • the bush:    the bush; hutan
  • kate chopin:    kate chopin; kate o’flaherty chopin; chopin
  • We'll have a really good dance, listening to Kate Bush, yeah?
    Kita akan menari-nari, mendengarkan Kate Bush, yeah?
  • Tell you what, why don't you stick on a bit of Kate Bush, yeah?
    Aku beri tahu kau, kenapa kau tidak mencoba mendengarkan Kate Bush, yeah?
  • We'll have a really good time, we'll listen to Kate Bush, have a great dance, yeah?
    Kita akan bersenang-senang, kita akan mendengarkan Kate Bush, menari, yeah?
  • After the release of The Red Shoes, Kate Bush dropped out of the public eye.
    Setelah merilis album The Red Shoes pada tahun 1993, Kate Bush menarik diri dari dunia musik selama beberapa tahun.
  • Like, remember that time I made you the mix tape of all the Kate Bush songs I thought applied to our relationship? This is cooler.
    Seperti, ingat bahwa waktu aku membuat kau rekaman kompilasi semua lagu Kate Bush aku pikir diterapkan pada hubungan kita?
  • Initially trying to emulate his heroes, Billy Bragg, Bob Dylan, Paul Simon, Neil Young, Kate Bush, U2, he began to write his own songs and develop his own style.
    Ia mencoba untuk mengikuti pahlawannya, Bob Dylan, Paul Simon, Neil Young, Kate Bush, U2, ia mulai untuk menulis lagunya dengan seleranya sendiri.
  • "Heads We're Dancing" by Kate Bush tells the story of a woman who dances all night with a charming stranger, only to discover the following morning that he is Adolf Hitler.
    Lagu "Heads We're Dancing" adalah lagu teraneh karena menceritakan seorang wanita yang menari semalaman dengan orang yang tidak dikenal, dan ternyata orang tersebut Adolf Hitler.
  • In 1980, Kate Bush became the first British female artist to have a number-one album in the UK with Never for Ever, as well as being the first album by any female solo artist to enter the chart at number 1.
    Pada tahun 1980, Kate Bush menjadi wanita penyanyi solo asal Inggris yang pertama kali menduduki puncak tangga album Britania dengan album Never for Ever.
  • Along with extensive costuming and make-up, Duran Duran used tribal elements, pulled from Dunham technique, in "The Wild Boys", and Kate Bush used a modern dance duet in "Running Up That Hill".
    Bersama dengan pemakaian kostum dan dandanan yang beragam, Duran Duran menggunakan elemen kesukuan, diambil dari teknik Dunham, di lagu "The Wild Boys", dan Kate Bush menggunakan tarian duet modern di lagu "Running Up That Hill".